About Us

Dedicated to Your
Legal Battle

Manoharan Malayalam the founding member and principle laid the foundation stone of Messrs. M. Manoharan & Co in Kuala Lumpur on April the 2nd, 2001. The birth of the law firm institutionalized his accomplishments and accolades earned previously while employed under an assortment of prestigious legal firms in the country. The spread of his wings spanned proportionately with a steady growth of a clientele who pledged their confidence in him for he once stood on the shoulders of some of the finest legal minds in the region. Spearheading a band of equally fire branded associates, they have together carved a niche in their profession. The selection process of the people employed to continue the firm’s brand of services is something of an algorithm which is a tradition maintained by the founder. His astute philosophy beckons that it is not only the prestige of academia that made great lawyers but it was more their ability to mold pragmatically which was more of the essence required. A little more than two decades of an illustrious history of success precipitated as the result of the firm's valuable assets, which were none other than her people.

Our Priorities Are Your Priorities

and Accessible

The firm is committed to delivering the highest standard of service to its clients. The first priority is to develop an in depth understanding of the client's situation or client's business and then use legal expertise to develop innovative and cost effective solutions to help them achieve their strategic objectives. Whether acting as counsel for a corporation, a family trust or an individual, the firm is dedicated to developing strong and lasting relationships.


To continue and exhibit the same class of service maintaining quality along with the integrity associated in brokering justice. To offer and deliver legal assistance to concerns of any size, to ensure the protection of the rights and to simultaneously serve individuals from all walks of life by offering the best legal service. To enlighten the public of their democratic rights and pursue the injustices faced by some via litigation and media publications. The firm in its expansion programme is envisaged to lay more foundations stones of branches with the same concept and multiply the architecture of principles derived from the original model.

Our Team

When You Need A Strong Defence, Our Team Is Here For You

Manoharan Malayalam
Founding Partner

Anis Salihah binti Abdul Malek

Legal Associate

Nur Syamimi Adriana Shaharim

Legal Associate